Get Thee to a Nunnery - Quick!

Mr. President,
Up until your administration the office of President seemed to be greatly respected radiating an aura of high intelligence more superior than world class chess championships. For, that august Oval Office once gathered players of enormous intellect and experience inspiring the public with a sense of deep awe and trust. But, this has changed.
Now that most of the people are convinced that blatant stupidity, poor judgment and lack of political wisdom abounds there, it may be advantageous to seek asylum and sanctuary in any number of quaint medieval convents in France or Portugal where you and your staff might pursue a life of prayer, fasting and weaving beautiful tapestries to commemorate your many exploits while engaged in the battles of public service. You can isolate yourselves there and virtually find forgiveness and penance for your many sins, and for the millions of lives you have disturbed by the ill use of the sacred powers and authorities vested in you. You will find solace and community and no one will ever think to look for you there, and you can forget about the lives of all the innocent people of the world you have ruined. For, certainly they never intend to forget about you, and it is likely that, as has been the fate of Robert S. McNamara to be hounded and abused in the hell of his own ignominy and shame, likewise your lives from this point forward being marked by failure, will invariably resemble the twisted, contorted despair of Dante's worst chasms, albeit, undeserved and mistakenly adjured as you feel you may be. May I suggest the Dominican Order of Nuns for this purpose. They are great educators, kindly; good with children. I am certain they will be a fine influence on you. Perhaps, you may all live together working in the gardens and repairing broken sandals and torn habits. You will never have to read a newspaper again, or listen to a radio, watch TV or drive in a dark bulletproof limosine. You will even have privacy, for no closed circuit TVs are permitted in there. While in your cell you can do anything you wish with your own body like flaggelation, and other religioulsy approved mortifications of the flesh. This might be a remarkable new world order for you, much superior to the one you would have left behind. The world is incensed, now, why let them trouble you any further. Perhaps, it was the world and the things herein which have made you ignoranct through deception, malice and greed. Renounce those things, as so many others have, and live a celebate and pious life that you may be redeemed in the end. Amen.
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