"Authorship and Truth is consumate authority." - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Thursday, November 30, 2006

Mr. President,

You said:

" The Defense appropriations bill I will sign today commits $391 billion ..."

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
Who's we?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Semantics of Terrorism

Mr. President,

Anyone who acts with hostility against the United States is called a terrorist. We Americans have been likewise frequently referred to as terrorists? Maybe there should be a distinction: those freelance terrorists should be referred to with a small "t". And, legitimate uniformed terrorists should be referred to with a capital "T". Semantics aside, today, word on the street is that we are being referred to simply as murderers. Why is that, and what can be done to bring us back to the lighter term of terrorist? —Wildfeather

Certain Questions

Mr. President,

Who is using the strong arm of the United States' sophisticated weapons to decimate a weak and vulnerable people where there is virtually no medical care available to bring relief and healing to their wounded? I have heard that these people are suffering unspeakable agony and anguish? Is this true? Reliable sources have determined that between two and five percent of a their population of twenty seven million people are now dead. Countless others have been wounded; many are women, children and the aged. Is this justified? Is this an international crime of unproportional revenge, and delirious unchecked insanity? What have these people done to justify such blatantly perverse abuse? Whose intention was it to slowly exterminate the entire nation mistakenly thinking to solve the problem of the naturally ensuing mass hatred and feelings of vengeance? Indeed such treatment has been known to ignite the most passionate fires of social revolution. Who profits from civil war and the dividing of kin? Who will history say has used the United States as an implement of torture, and demoralized the other nations who have long trusted in it's flag and principles? Who has lied and used the pretense of democracy and freedom as an end, while butchery and mayhem has been the means, and "Christian" the moral foundation? Through whose design has such darkness occurred? By whose stealth has government become the facile venue for ripening the ever increasing greed between public servants and private interests? Which public and private corporations have come to gain by weakening the structure of public liberty? Is this greed for some obsession beyond wealth and power? One historian states:
"Once inside this world cut off from the outside, this absolutely private world, there was a rigid insistence on order. Perversion did not mean anarchy; it meant systematic overturning of all taboos, regular, repetitive confrontation of all limits, until pleasure demanded actual murder." —Lynn Hunt, The Unstable Boundaries of the French Revolution, from A History of Private Life, p.42.(London,Belknapp, 1990).
Indeed out of the same womb was both he andSaddamm Hussein born? Who, similarly has made his own people his accomplices in hideous crimes against humanity while severely compromising the true democracy and public liberty of his nation by fraud? Who, through cunning deception has shackled the low mentality of the masses to cover his own true intentions and by default has made the people of the United States responsible for his own errors and intentional savagery of his co-conspirators? Who is this person and how would you punish him? Notice that the nations of Asia have already begun to populate America refusing to share a similar fate and are rapidly coming into the ascendancy.

If the innocentundergoe such torment those who are in the Spirit call upon His Highest Majesty to deliver his just and righteousjudgmentt so that the guilty might receive the fullmeasuree of his wisdom before the sight of all?

Saturday, November 18, 2006

RE: Congratulations

Mr. President,

May I be among the first to congradulate you on being the leader of our new form of government. Since the existing constitution of the United States was written so long ago, apparently is full of flaws and archaic ideas about liberty, I am certain that you, together with your administration of loyal, patriotic public servants will issue forth a new set of principles and laws which will correct the many ills the founding fathers, in their ignorance failed to provide for.

May I urge you first to consider having all the guns removed because many people who are angered over these changes may wish to do violence to others. Then it will be necessary to detain for an indefinite period of time all the homosexuals, journalists, artists, and political adversaries because they will continue to be angered and obstruct the progress of your new form of government. Once you have secured the nation, those who remain will be loyal citizens who fear God and the Government. Under this new reign of terror, all others who terrorize the American will, which of course is your will, will be easily identified, aprehended and eliminated.

Congradultions for getting rid of all the red tape, and stubborn blockages which have stood in the way of true liberty for you, your administration and the republican party, and especially those corporate interests of the wealthy patriotic few upon which this nation was truly founded.

Finally, I have this question: what was it you chose to be called, and from here on, how do you wish to be addressed?
