An Appoitment at Armaeddon

Mr. President,
The use of sophisticated brutal force to injure unarmed civilians, especially for political and economic purposes is dishonorable.
Many heroes will rise up with great courage to protect and defend themselves and their loved ones. They will feel frightened, terrorized and angered rather than docile in their reaction to this calamity.
Those who deceitfully mark these as terrorists in effect commit murder.
If such acts are committed in the name of the American People, we are then viewed as a nation of murderers.
The West's interference with the Middle East and our corporate and economic conquest over those weaker nations in the end must be viewed as a gift rather than a curse. We must pay strict attention to how well we are able to convince these beleaguered people that failure to participate in a healthy global economy will inevitably mean severe stress and poverty in the future. Our involvement there is then the lesser of two evils. May God grant us the fortitude to show kindness in the face of resistance and may the time of suffering for all concerned be shortened.
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