"Authorship and Truth is consumate authority." - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Friday, April 07, 2006

White Anglo Saxon Males

Mr. President,

I think that it is imperative that you fully understand the implications of what tribalism means in America today.

The governing classes once reeled headlong toward destruction in their Titanic complacency. Nobody thought it could happen in Russia in 1917.

In just a few years it has become much more noticably undesirable to be a white businessman in Berkeley. Lenin failed. Yet, what he inspired seems to be replaying itself here.

White Anglo Saxon Males are constantly being referred to as a separate class. Segregation, prejudicial talk, and scapegoatism is on the continuous rise, especially in coastal college towns.

White Anglo Saxon Males that gave us our independence, and constitution. Lincoln gave African Americans their freedom. Elected White Anglo Saxon Males have continually honored and enforced civic freedoms for all people. The great philanthropists Carnegie, Mellon and on have built colleges and libraries for all people to use were White Anglo Saxon Males. It has been the rational mind and the strong sense of social justice of White Anglo Saxon Males, initially and now, who are greatly responsible for the development of education, medicine, industry, technology and religion in America. But, these times are changing, instead of justice, there was a constant stream of irrational, and emotional propaganda. Maddness is at the door in America, and we must continue on our steady course to bring the light of truth to our land.

Keep your house clean? Tribalism in America exists in our medical, corporate and educational institutions in the dumbing down of this nation and enslaving the public. The public is now turning back to simpler more holistic forms of bondage.

Beware. Some potions may be politically lethal.


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