The Real Inmates

Mr. President
you must understand
that in order to understand and speak about freedom
you yourself must be free
freedom is something you dream about
but know very little about
the people
keep you and your peers in prison
you are kept under strict lock and key
all choices are made for you
just like inmates in prison
who make fewer than twenty-five choices per day
what you wear
what you eat
what you say
what you read
who you talk to
where you go
when you come
and just about everything in your life
with the exception of ice cream flavors
is chosen for you
therefore you are an inmate
even inmates have more freedom

how would you know
what it means to be free
you misunderstand freedom
while you intend for the rest of mankind
to be in bondage and misery as you are
no mr. president
we keep you in this prison cell of bondage
to fame, power and wealth
to restrain you
those who are truly free
walk the streets
fully accountabale for who they are
without fear
making choices you never dreamed of
our parents gave us freedom
you wonder about
we keep you tightly secured
in your lofty prison
until you begin to show certain signs of sanity
sanity based upon
love life and truth
did you know that your term
national security
is clearly your euphamism
for darkness
remember this mr. president
you stand before the light
and you give account for everything you do
your father
and your father's father
why be locked in the scam forever
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