"Authorship and Truth is consumate authority." - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Office of Secretary of State is Wrong for Hillary Clinton

Dear Mr. President Elect,

The august office of Secretary of State is wrong for Hillary Clinton and the United States of America for three reasons. First, the office requires an expert in the study and history of foreign affairs in order to effectively make judgments and decisions on foreign policy. Second, the office requires a high level of diplomacy beyond that of a politician bordering on a natural, born talent to command the respect of the international community. And third, the office of the Secretary of State demands unwavering loyalty to the president.

If any one of these areas is weak or lacking the impact will be strongly felt in the administration and that weakness will carryforth throughout the global community on many levels and for many years.

At this time the United States must install a person who would be considered highly qualified in all three areas to maintain the momentum of your historic election.

Your appointment of Ms. Clinton is premature, categorically incorrect and represents, in my view, the your first major blunder and that before you have even assumed office. Hillary lacks expert qualifications, her diplomatic skills leaves much to desired, and and her devoted loyalty to you will require a spiritual integrity that few would attribute to her.

I wish you and yours a Happy Thanksgiving and a Merry Christmas.



Saturday, November 15, 2008

You and History

Dear Mr. President,

It has been a while since I have advised you understanding that other sources of information and inspiration have occupied your ear. The results are apparent.

It appears that you have been reading Mr. Greenspan's book on The Age of Turbulance and you are advising against protectionism which you hope will inevitably cause the a financial balance to occur. However, the balance will be better for internationals and worse for us. The transition from better to worse for us will be painful. As things get worse for us we will no longer be able to finance our debt. The loss financial credibility will cause US dollars to return home which will cause inflation of our currency. This is has begun. Who is advising you on the effects of this process and what did you intend to do about establishing and maintaining financial stability in the United States when our currency begins to expand and its value begins to contract?


Jesepi Trade Wildfeather