"Authorship and Truth is consumate authority." - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Iran or Dresden?

Mr. President

After the war Robert Saunby, Deputy Air Marshal at Bomber Command, commented on the bombing of Dresden.

"That the bombing of Dresden was a great tragedy none can deny. It is not so much this or the other means of making war that is immoral or inhumane. What is immoral is war itself. Once full-scale war has broken out it can never be humanized or civilized, and if one side attempted to do so it would be most likely to be defeated. That to me is the lesson of Dresden."

War is immoral.


Friday, July 04, 2008

Mr. President and Ms. Rice,

I am a believer. Does war, butchery, mayhem, and the destruction of human beings and creation including multitudes of fatherless and widows figure into a true spiritual perspective and ethos of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus or in the Social Darwinian idea of Creative Destruction?

The Anglo-Israeli doctrines of the eighteen hundreds hypothesize that America is an extension of God's promised land continuing the ancient directive toward genocide of all non Israeli people in Palestine. But, this is clearly another gospel that St. Paul warned believers about. Christ clearly defined the "love" principle and the practice of discipleship in terms of our interaction with enemies, abusers, and hostile foes. Indeed this is the mark of all who truly possess the Gospel and are given God's grace to manifest His wisdom by maintaining a kind hearted and gentle spirit. Open free market economies must never justify the cold and brutal slaying of a simple people beleaguered by years of avaricious foreign interference. There are spiritual laws in operation which are more fundamental and permanent than the physical laws we make and change.

Nevertheless, there is something good about our abilities to implement social changes when they result in the good of mankind. That said consider translating Greenspan's Age of Turbulence into Farsi and dropping thousands of them on Iran. I think the Iranian people are wise enough to learn from the former Fed Chairman's wisdom and be encouraged. When they get a bigger picture of the role of free markets they may more fully understand what they are missing and require Ahmedinijad to answer a few hard questions about what could be for them as a thriving nation instead of having to undergo the ravages of an unnecessary war.



Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Secure Hormuz First!

Dear President Bush,

May I humbly suggest that we think and pray hard. One time before making an important decision while working at the United States Trust Company of New York, 45 Wall, just down the block from where your grandfather Prescott used to work at Brown Brothers Harriman in the 30's and 40's, I stopped in to visit a fellow bank employee, Mr. Sinclair Armstrong, Secretary of the Navy under Roosevelt. I had questions about military service. He basically told me that his children were all in the Navy serving proudly.

I pray that the Navy has a wise plan to secure the Straights of Hormuz without causing or suffering huge casualties?

May God be with you.

Best wishes,

Joseph L Segreto