"Authorship and Truth is consumate authority." - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Friday, January 12, 2007

The Solution to War in Iraq

Mr. President,

It has become clear to the nation and the world that your administration has failed to establish peace and democracy in Iraq. This kind of failure is inconsistent with the righteousness you proclaim to be your Christian Faith. Instead, by imposing a system of law and order through violence, you have caused the remaining Iraqis to become closed, isolated, protective and distant to us, our form of government and our lifestyle. This is clear. Since it is widely held today that through deceit, strategy and cunning your administration is believed to have directed hostilities against the Iraqi people for political control and economic purposes you must exercise decisive leadership at this time by establishing a truce and completely withdrawing our troops from Iraq, and by assuming full financial responsibility for having destroyed their country. Otherwise, your administration will be regarded into posterity as tyrannical and murderous. You must insist on working closely with both the Shias and the Sunnis in order to rebuild Iraq promptly. The time of saving face in the wake of Saddam Hussein's evil reign and his remaining loyalists is quickly drawing to a close, and soon it will be impossible to stem the tide. The solution is to begin to bring in a period of healing according to the teachings of Jesus, Gandhi and Martin Luther King, and to create new opportunities for the Arab peoples to enter into brotherhood with each other and us. This can only be achieved through love and non violence. The money spent under these circumstances would insure peace and a fair reevaluaton of our presence and government in that area. Maintaining your present position is genocide. Understand these distinctions, and choose this approach to solving the problem in Iraq and be assured that you will immediately gain the support of the American people, and worldwide public opinion will shift toward greater respect and faith in our nation. And, soon we will find it easier to iron out our cultural differences in the Middle East in the years to come. Continuing as you have been without this dramatic shift will result in an escallation of violence, severe terrorism, torture and an every imaginable continuing evil in the Middle East. — Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather