"Authorship and Truth is consumate authority." - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A Just War in Iraq?

Mr. President,

If you came home to find your wife and daugher crushed to death and your son's body blown up and burned because of a foreign invasion built on a pretense would your anger and hatred be your natural response? If there were few medical supplies due to sanctions, what would a righteous and caring father do?

This is Ali Abbas. His name translates, "father god". It appears by the condition of this child, that what is happening in Iraq today is more representative of the coming of the Anti-Christ and Satan, than the coming of the Lord. Those religious fundamentalists in America who speak of one world government for Christ are like the hypocritical, and spiritually blind pharisees of the Christ's day who believed the same prosperity gospel. And when Christ appeared he was treated the same by their philosophy as we have treated this child, and countless others. We are accountable and responsible beginning with you, and ending with Him. - Wildfeather

and 90,000 SERIOUSLY INJURED Aug. 2003

and 390,017 SERIOUSLY INJURED Aug. 2006

Is this a just war? Perhaps, Pat Robertson can advise you further.

- jtw

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Classified Information

Dear Mr. President,

Kindly, review this URL, and tell me if it's contents is consistent with what you and Mr. Blair consider democracy, freedom, liberty and ridding the world of evil.

Then I will know how to advise you. -JTW

Thursday, August 03, 2006

Isreal's Terrorism Threatens Nuclear Holocaust

Mr. President,

Nine out of ten persons killed in Lebanon by Israeli rockets are innocent civilians. Thousands have been wounded, and millions displaced.

Terrorism is clearly defined in The National Security Strategy of the United States of America, Chapter III. Strengthen Alliances to Defeat Global Terrorism and Work to Prevent Attacks Against Us and Our Friends:

"The enemy is terrorism — premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against innocents."

According to the specific definition set forth by the United States Government, and the reports of the fighting in Lebanon, Israel is clearly engaging in terrorism to subdue its enemy, the Hezbollah.

Therefore, as the United States refuses to acknowledge Israel's terrorism, then the nations of the world will continue to lose respect for us and our purpose becomes out weighed by serious human rights issues, and public desent both abroad and at home. The nations may begin to view Israel, and the United States, as the axis of evil, just as the nations viewed Hitler, who acted in the same manner in order to achieve its own political agenda of global conquest.

Thus, out of terror, anger and a hardened deterministion the nations are likely to reciprocate similarly through warfare by any means, guided by the same principle which the United States has stated. Similarly the nations will make ...

"...no concessions to [US and Israel] demands and strike no deals with them. ... make no distinction between terrorists and those who knowingly harbor or provide aid to them."

Furthermore, the Counsel on Foreign Relations has published in this month's issue of Foreign Affair what may be considered a strong risk to the national security by strongly stating that your office is weak, globally and politically, and the nation's financial capabilities are unable to sustain your objectives.

As tensions begin to increase, wars and rumors of wars ensue, and Israel's continued use of chemical and biological weapons receives mass coverage over the internet, should nuclear weapons begin to emerge, a steady course of global nuclear implementation and an ensuing holocaust, in my view, could occur. I believe this is the reason for Iran's hubris. Why take the risk when there are other options.

Robert S. Mc Namarra said that he made mistakes, but warned against making the mistake of a nuclear holocaust.

May God be with us all.

Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather