"Authorship and Truth is consumate authority." - Jeseppi Trade Wildfeather

Saturday, March 25, 2006

A Nice Clean Genocide

Mr. President,

there is no doubt in my mind
that you are the right man for the job

after all
you grew up around presidents
governers senators etc
you have always been on the inside
you know the picture
and what's going on underneath
in many ways you are the Naked Underground
in Washington

you know how the bolshevicks
beginning with lenin and stalin
systematically destroyed christian russia
churches and clergy
and created an athiest state
by 1940
somewhere around thirty million christians were murdered
by state sponsored crime
... starvation firing squads rapes murders starvation
you know

your grandpa dad
uncle avril and his gang
the fords the duponts and the others
met the challange by inventing the nazis
rebuild germany
they thought
they love steel
tool and die
industrial infrastructure
you know
let them wipe out communism
anybody that loved to own things
especially own people
felt that way
still do today
commies were the big threat
makes me laugh
today the word "com"
is on everyone's lips

the united states techonology at that time
was completely of german origin

your parents understood that germany would inevitably fall
that was the gameplan
and that europe would be utterly ruined
the u.s. would rebuild her and generate of billions
putting the us squarely in the ascendancy
england would be sent straight to blazes
left to grovvel
[surprising how they love us today
i'd a thought they'd a hated us more than the french]

enter u.s. global hegemony
what a plan
gotta say
your grandpa sure was smart
and you got to run the merry-go-round
don't you jus' love it?
knew it was commin too
right, mr. president?

i know it
you know it
and many people know it

in fact
it is a simple model
aristotle knew it
ol' plato tapped him on the shoulder one day
and wa la
he was in
nice to know
it all boils down
to skulls n' bones in the end

so the democrats are the boshevicks
and the republicans are the czarists
protecting our old regime
of truth justice and the american way
but how about the revolution taking place in washington
if the democrats get in
forget the counter-revolution
no time for that
they will get us all killed
they'll roll out the red carpet for the terrorists
and hate america will become the slogan

you know i have a problem with your diction at times
but i'll take your texas patriotism any day
before sucking up to anyone who hates this country
i was born here
and i intend to die here one day

keep your party strong
purge it
fire a few if you have to
a divided house will fall
your socialist liberal republican friends
are your enemies
if they succeed in corrupting your party any further
christianity and all theists will be killed
revelation says it's gonna happen anyway
but must it happen in your lifetime?
if it does
you'll probably get the blame

it will bring your family great shame
in the annals of history forever
think a hundred and fifty million souls last century
you ain't seen nothin' yet
the wolves today are planning to quadruple that number
now that the new battlefield is inside every human body
health bill
fat chance
we're the ones whose gonna pay the ama

quiet soft genocide
a songwriter i know sings

"money makes it clean
like hospital cornered sheets"

Mr. President, sir ...
are you going to fight off those jealous wolves?
or are you going to let them ruin your soul and your illustrious family?

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Civil War

Mr. President,

The war between the parties has resulted in a victor. Classically, the loser becomes the slave of the victor. The ruler during such times is considered a despot. If the war is a just war, that's the way it works. But, if it is an unjust war the victor is then regarded as a tyrrant. Tyrrants typically reign only briefly and end in ignomany and shame. Civil war or revolution may follow.

Be certain before you act, that what you are doing is truly just. Otherwise, you may be responsible for creating civil war. And, that is something no one wants to take to the grave.
